BUY ON OZON.ruNutrifica™ is made by extraction without the use of high temperatures, so that the final product retains all natural properties as much as possible!
SGR “Nutrifika IMMUNO” No.AM. from 30.07.2021
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Delivery is carried out from Moscow.
Product dimensions:
Weight with packaging: 538 gr.
Dimensions: 248*331*38 mm.
Unique properties of active substances:
- Prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
- Prevention of oncological diseases;
- Prevention of obstructive pulmonary diseases;
- Prevention of acute respiratory viral infections;
- Prevention of coronavirus infection;
- Normalizes blood pressure;
- Hemostatic property;
- Improves blood clotting.
Nutrifica is made from green pine cones collected in the Magadan region
Active ingredients:
- with problems with pressure, circulatory disorders;
- with rapid fatigue and weakness during stress;
- for any injuries, especially those accompanied by bleeding;
- with increased fragility of capillaries;
- in inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- when the seasons change, especially from warm to cold.
- immunomodulatory effect;
- anti- carcinogenic effect;
- cardioprotective effect;
- DNA stability support;
- photoprotective and radioprotective action;
- prevent atherosclerosis;
- they increase resistance to stress.
Improves blood microcirculation and has a membrane-protective effect, which leads to a slowdown in the aging process at the cellular level.
They counteract the damage of DNA molecules by free radicals, slowing down degenerative processes in the human body. They have a complex positive effect on the body.
It helps to reduce the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, has immunomodulatory, gastroprotective and antimicrobial, as well as prebiotic properties, helps to improve digestion.
Vitamin B1 (second name thiamine) it is also called an antineuritic vitamin, since it is very important in the work of the nervous system. He also has leading roles in supporting almost all types of metabolism.
Vitamin B2 controls the nervous, digestive, circulatory, and cardiovascular systems. In addition, the benefit of vitamin B2 is that it minimizes the harmful effects of toxins on the organs of the respiratory system, improves the absorption of oxygen by the cells of hair, nails, skin, increases their life expectancy, participates in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, promotes the normal course of pregnancy and the proper laying of fetal organs.
Vitamin PP is necessary for the release of energy from carbohydrates and fats, for protein metabolism. It is part of the enzymes that provide cellular respiration. Normalizes the work of the stomach and pancreas.
Develops cognitive functions: improves memory, thinking, and also improves mood and helps to resist stress.
It plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and the process of hematopoiesis. With a deficiency of B12, there is a risk of developing thrombosis, the work of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted.
Participates in the metabolism of fatty acids. It normalizes lipid metabolism and activates redox processes in the body.
Biotin is most popular among the female sex, sometimes it is even called a “beauty vitamin”. Girls use biotin to strengthen hair and nails, as it increases the production of keratin. Vitamin B7 also affects skin health: it eliminates irritation, reduces the effects of acne, dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.
LLC "NUTRIFICA" Legal address: 141983, Moscow region, Dubna, Programmers str., 4, p.1, office 32
+7 (905) 733 8755 - Moscow
+7 (999) 030 2363 - Magadan
+7 (964) 456 6251 - Kaliningrad